Ram Lambs

Ram Lambs

Stock for Sale

All of our stock is sold solely off farm, please feel free to come and have a look at a time convenient for you, not when the auctioneer wants to see you.

Our prices are based on the performance of the stock themselves, as soon as we have the figures they will be put on here.

Don't delay the best rams soon sell.


8wk Wt Litter Scan Wt MD FD Musc CT Eye Muscle Area Terminal Index Maternal Index
Rams used 2020 May 2020 Data Run
17:03026 Last Chance C93:12:015 4.68 0.06 11.62 0.97 -0.63 0.06 1.82 336 266
17:03187 T79:13:095 T79:14:03017 2.35 0.02 4.51 3.61 1.05 1.45 5.15 311 256
Y51:20:04333 Y51:17:03187 Y51:18:03371 2.94 0.05 6.23 2.71 0.6 0.82 3.94 316 271
Y51:20:04352 Y51:17:03108 Y51:17:03198 3.86 0 9.45 2.07 0.1 -0.07 2.72 334 254
Reserve Stock rams
18:03429 12:069 T79:14:03024 2.85 0.02 6.56 2.86 0.14 -0.77 1.88 278 237
17:03108 Last Chance C93:14:0278 2.96 0.12 6.15 1.59 -0.33 0.3 2.3 256 276
17:03178 Y13:14:08712 T79:13:038 1.27 0.07 2.75 3.23 0.31 -0.95 4.11 273 226
Breed Average 0.49 0.02 1.21 0.17 0.05 0.19 0.6 136 130
25% 1.19 0.05 2.92 0.76 0.23 0.72 1.77 182 167
10% 1.82 0.08 4.47 1.29 0.4 1.2 2.83 223 200
5% 2.2 0.1 5.39 1.6 0.49 1.49 3.46 248 220
1% 2.91 0.14 7.12 2.19 2.03 4.65 294 256